Theatre Artists Fund

Since its inception, the annual Richmond Theater Critics Circle Awards event has raised money for the Theatre Artists Fund of Greater Richmond. Administered by the Community Foundation, this fund was created to assist members of the theater community in times of extreme need. Whether from illness (life threatening or otherwise), injury, or other extenuating circumstances or life-altering situations, members of the theater community may apply for financial aid, and others may also apply on someone’s behalf.

As of 2023, the RTCC awards have contributed more than $92,102 to the fund.

You can also donate directly to the fund using this link.

Applying for assistance from the Theatre Artists Fund

The purpose of the Theatre Artists Fund is to help those in the Richmond theatre community who fall on the hardest of times, whether due to illness, injury or extenuating circumstances, apply for financial aid. Artists may apply, or others may apply on their behalf for assistance.

If you are interested in applying, please review the attached guidelines and application form.

Theatre Artist Fund Operating Guidelines (rev2025)

Theatre Artist Fund Application (rev2025)